Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Ok another new site ClawTheClouds

Ok this time i promise this one will not be going down any time soon. i just renewed my hosting plan for the next 6 years. Im going to move everything to there from now on. I still need a mic so i can make videos rather than text tutorials and most people seem to prefer them.

so check out the new site at

also T9S is now CTC :D

Friday, December 30, 2011

NEW DOMAIN! is up , its still in dev states but the forums will be up and running. Everything new will be posted there , i might post update information on this blog , or let it dies off .

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tutorial - c++ - 2.Hello World!

just checking out the site , looks good , lets actually try and get a gamehacking/cracking forum going , so im doing the most basic C++ program that every begginer learns.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Comment
cout << "Hello World!"<< endl;
return 0;

if you run this then you get this window.

now to go throught and explain the code(its so simple)

#include <iostream>

this is a preprocessor statement signified by the '#' , it tells the compiler to "include" the file "iostream". which stands for Input/Output stream , we have to add it to use the "cout" statment.

using namespace std;

this tells the compiler that we are "using" the namespace std, it just makes it easier to use "cout" statements . for example , if we didnt put it in then we would have to use cout like this = std::cout <<"Hello World!"<<endl;

int main()
{ }

now this is out "main" function , all the code inbetween the braces "{ }" is what gets compiled and executed, the "( )" show that main is a function , and the "int" before it just means that it "returns"(ill talk about that later) an integer value.

// Comment

This is how you put comments in your code , the double "//" signify that everything after them (on the same line) is a comment , and the compiler will skip over it.

cout << "Hello World!"<< endl;

Now this is the actual code that outputs our text "Hello World" to the screen. there is also a cin statement , which gets text from the user . so cout and cin(we will use cin later) write and read text to and from the screen. the "<<" just means that the following text is being "cout-ed" , to signify text you have to enclose it in double quotes like this "This is txt". and again the "<<" followed by an "endl" which stands for "ENDLine" and that is what it does , it is like pressing enter when typing , it moves down to the next line.

i probably should have mentioned this in the beggining , but ill do it here , all statements in C++ must end in a semicolon ";" it tells the compiler that the line of code has ended. Also the compiler is the thing that turns your code into code that a computer can understand, its run when you press the ">" run button (in Visual Studio) on your IDE(visual studio and codeblocks are examples of IDE's).enough of that lets move on.


You may not need this , but for me (using vista) if i run the program with out it the console window just flashes and closes , this will "pause" the execution of your program until you press any key(which it says on the console window).

return 0;

this is what your "main()" function returns , which is 0(zero) , this signifies that the program exited/ended normally . without it the compiler would complain.
and like i said before all the code goes between the { },and so our program is done.

i know its not the best looking thing but its a start.

that was pretty indepth if i do say so myself :) , now for people to read it (if there will be any , oh well :D)

Tutorial - C++ - 1.DataTypes

ok , im going to go over some of the DataTypes and thier uses here.
the syntax is
datatype variable = value;

"int" which stands for integer, it can hold a number value ranging from -2147483647 to 2147483647

, (if you are using a different compiler then this might vary).
so if i wanted to assign the value 99 to my variable x then i would do the following.

int x;
x = 99;
 here i am declaring that is an integer , and then later assigning 99 to it


you could do it all in one line.

int x = 99;

next is "char" which stands for character , and it can hold 1 character .

so if i wanted to assign the letter "D" to my char xthen i would do the following .

char x = 'D';


char x;
x = 'D'

you have to put single quotes( ' ) around the character you want stored , the letter can be upper or lower case .

just so you know , the letter that ive been using (x) is called an identifier , you can make this whatever you want , so int myinteger = 69; is valid aswell.

next is "float" which stands for "floating point variable" it is like int , but with the exception that it can hold a decimal value , and its range is -1.17549e-38 to 3.40282e+38
but that is just how precise it can be. so you can still assign it a value greater than that , like 999999.9 and it will still work.

float x = 99.4;

next is "double" its pretty much a much more precise float, its rang is -2.22507e-308 to 1.79769e+308 which just like float is its max precision , so assigning the value 9999999999999.999999999 will work .

double x = 89791723467.2374574;

next is "bool" which stands for "Boolean" , this variable can only hold true, or false (or 1=true , 0=false) . bool is mainly used for loops and switches, which will be covered in later tutorials.

bool answr = true;


bool answr = 1;

the two lines mean the same thing , that answr is true

you must assign a data type(int , char , double ect.) to your variable, or else the compiler will give you an error saying that it wasnt defined.


int x = 8;
int y = 2;
int answr = x+y;
cout << answr;

that bit assigns 8 to x and 2 to y ,then x is added with y and their value is stored in the variable answr. So the value of answr is "couted" and its 10.


int x = 88;
double y = x;
cout <<y;

this bit assigns and int value 88 to x , then assigns the value of x to a double y . then cout's the value of y, which is 88. this is a valid thing to do , but if you tried this

double y = 50.8;
int x = y;
cout << x;

then the value of x would be 50 ,becuase int cannot hold a decimal value , so it is dropped.

char x = 'dvf';
cout << x;

that will output f since char cannot hold more than 1 letter/character , so it is assigned the last character.
but you shouldnt do that anyway , if you wanted to assign a bunch of text/words to a variable you would have to use the string variable (which will be covered in another tutorial)
so remeber char is only for 1 character.

ok that is it for now , ill probably fix up this later , its messy and unfinished

Tutorial - 3Ds Max - Setting up your reference planes.

This is simple so a video tutorial isnt necessary . (but i will probably make one in the future)

1.start max and get your workspace setup.

2.draw a plane the size of your reference photo ( im going to be using a side and front photo). "m" to open up the material editor and click the little square next to "Diffuse". "bitmap" and then click "ok". the photo you want to put on the plane and click open.

6.then drag the material to the plane

you may have to click this to get the image to show up on the plane.

7.right click the plane and go to object properties, untick "show frozen in grey"

8.then right click the plane again and click "freeze selection".

You would follow this method for all the sides you wanted , so it would look like this.

and then you would start roughing out your model .

if you have any questions or problems dont hesitate to ask :D